- genuine old object that has been altered by partial repainting or reworking to give it greater value.
- early copies not initially intended to deceive but later passed off as originals.
- the pastiche made up of original parts that do not go together.
- workshop artifacts attributed to the master.
Posters, in the form of placards and posted bills, have been used since earliest times, primarily for advertising and announcements, textual posters, posters, printing techniques, production and printing, including notably the technique lithography. The invention of lithography was soon followed by chromolithography, which allowed for mass editions of posters illustrated in vibrant colors to be printed.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Art of Forgeries
History of forgeries
Works of Art
ART on Paper The conservation of works of art containing paper:
- watercolors
- drawings
- prints
- photographs
- posters
- documents
- books
- constructions
- collages
- sculpture
Presents special problems. Paper is fibrous material containing cellulose felted together in thin sheets. The cellulose can come from flax, cotton, jute, hemp, the inner bark of mulberry or other trees, and pulverized wood. The greater the amount of pure alpha cellulose present, the more permanent is the paper. Wood-pulp papers such as newsprint contain many impurities, which cause them to turn brown and become brittle and acidic. The paper conservator must analyze the types of fibers in a particular paper as well as diagnose the deterioration problems and treat them. Treatment may include :
- deacidification
- washing
- bleaching
- lining
- laminating
- matting
- removing old restoration
- providing proper storage or exhibition conditions.
Two-Dimensional Form
Graphic Arts, pictorial arts in two-dimensional form; in its most general application, graphic arts encompasses such forms as drawing, painting, prints, and photography. Specifically, the term is restricted to prints and, by extension, to artworks created for reproduction by a printing process. The term also includes the design and production of publications and commercial art.
- Advertising books
- Computer Graphics
- Drawing
- Illustration
- Lithography
History of Photography 20th Century
- Commercial Functions
- Posters
- Printing
- Printing Techniques
- Prints and Printmaking
- Xerography.
Sale Promotion

- shelf edging
- dummy packs
- display packs
- display stands
- mobiles, posters
- banners
Usually, in smaller retail outlets, POS displays are supplied by the manufacturer of the products, and also sited and restocked and maintained by one of their regular salesperson. This, however, is less common in large supermarkets as they can control the activities of their suppliers due to their large purchasing power, and prefer to use their own material designed to be consistent with their corporate theming and store layout.
Common items that may appear in POS displays year-round are:
- batteries
- soft drinks
- candy
- chewing gum
- magazines
- comics,
- tobacco
- writable CDs and DVDs.
This allows designers to make full use of color and printing to make the display visually appealing. Some displays are fixed or non-disposable; these may include lighting to make the display more visible and may also contain a cooler, e.g. for drinks or ice cream. Some are no more than a metal basket, with no design on the outside, simply showing a price; these types of display are easier to refill.